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How do CO2 and VOC sensors work in Helty HRV ventilation?

The CO2 and VOC sensors measure the concentration of carbon dioxide and volatile organic substances in the indoor environment, allowing the HRV unit to automatically adjust the air flow rate to allow the parameters to fall within preset limits.

The CO2 sensor measures the concentration of carbon dioxide produced by the presence of people and/or animals in the indoor environment: this parameter, measured in ppm (parts per million), is used as an indicator of pollution due to room occupancy. The VOC sensor, on the other hand, measures the concentration of pollutants in the environment.

By the CO2 and VOC sensor, the HRV unit automatically adjusts the speed according to the values detected: if the predefined thresholds are exceeded, the machine increases the speed for 10 minutes, after which it performs a new check; if the value is within the limits, the HRV returns to the default speed, otherwise it increases the operating speed again.

The limit threshold for CO2 is set at 1200 ppm (parts per million); the threshold for VOCs at 600 ppb (parts per billion).

If the ‘CO2 – VOC’ function is activated, the set speed LEDs flash. With CO2 and VOC sensor, it is recommended to set the minimum speed.

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